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Cartoon Bodies

2 Aug

Printable Checkerboard

2 Aug

This Checkerboard can be printed and used for a game of checkers (also known as draughts). All you’ll need is 24 coins (1/2 can be heads, 1/2 can be tails, but using different colours altogether is preferable).

The rules for checkers are pretty easy to grasp. Please ‘checker’ out this link if you’re not sure about them:

We’ll try to update this post soon with some cut-out chess pieces.

Easy sudoku puzzles

2 Aug

Each of the below pages has 12 sudoku puzzles with the solutions for each! Just click each link…

Difficulty of 1/5: sudoku_02_Aug_2010_1A

Difficulty of 2/5: sudoku_02_Aug_2010_2A

Difficulty of 3/5: sudoku_02_Aug_2010_3A

Paper Toy – Yellow Robot

2 Aug

Here’s a cool Yellow Bot I found while searching for paper toys.